We got more than 120.000 visitors every year.


do you think

of that?

Prices and opening hours

Lille Vildmosecentret is open, and we look forward to welcoming you.Read more about prices and opening hours. See you in Lille Vildmose.

Opening hours 2023.
April 1th – October 22nd: Every day from 10 am – 4 pm
In June, July and August: from 10 am – 5 pm.

You are always welcome to take a walk in the bog on your own. The bog is public to all. You can go for a drive in Mellemområdet where it is possible to see the deer or moose as well as visit the various towers in the area and spot some of the many birds.

Entrance tickets

To visit Lille Vildmosecentret you will need to buy an entrance ticket. Once you have bought this you are welcome to visit both our indoor and outdoor areas and use our various facilities.

Book tickets and annual passes here.


Type Spring and fall June, July and August
Child 3-12 years kr. 45,00​ kr. 55,00​
Adult kr. 90,00​ kr. 120,00​
Groups +25 pers. kr. 75,00 kr. 95,00​


Annual pass (valid 1 year from the first visit)

Type Price
Child kr. 80,00​
Adult kr. 150,00​
Familie (2 voksne og op til 4 børn) kr. 420,00


How to find us

Find your way to Denmark’s wildest nature area. Whether you come by car, by bike, by foot or swimming – here is how to find us.
Our address is Vildmosevej 100, Dokkedal, 9280 Storvorde.

Public transport

Bus routes to Lille Vildmose

Rute 56: Aalborg – Mou

Rute 58/458: Hobro – Hadsund via Als and Øster Hurup

​From the bus stop there is 1.5 km to the Centre.

Lille Vildmose Centeret

Even the most well-versed globetrotter can get a little confused when trying to visit the largest wilderness in Denmark. But be brave – we have a map of the whole area right here